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Latihan Inference


The ocean cannot be dissociated from any problems. Though not always properly “billed”, it is nonetheless a vital actor in the “production” of climate, storms, agriculture, health, war and peace, trade, leisure, and creative art. It is not merely a weather-regulating system and a source of food, cattle feed, fuel, and minerals. More generally, it absorbs vast quantities of the carbon dioxide generated by the combustion of fossil fuels, it release a major part of the oxygen we breathe, and it acts as powerful buffer to slow down or to avoid such calamities as quick variations in the sea-level. Moreover, the human body is made up much more water than all its components combined. A dehydrated human being would weigh little more than 30 pounds. Our flesh is composed all the salts of myriad of cells, each one of which contains a miniature ocean, less salty than today’s ocean but comprising all the salts of the sea, probably the built-in heritage of our distant ancestry, when some mutating fish turned into reptiles and invaded the virgin land.
— Jacques Cousteau in Wiener 111
1. Write your own words the main idea of this selection.
3. Between the physical and human body Mr. Cousteau believes that___
A.      there is not much of a relationship.
B.      there is no evidence to suggest relationship.
C.     we must study the possible relationship.
D.     there is much confusion.
E.      there is a very close relationship.

2. We may infer that the author believes that ____
A.      the ocean does not always get the attention it should as human beings try to solve their problems.
B.      the ocean is polluted.
C.     people should do more to investigate the ocean’s resources.
D.     the ocean is not a weather-regulating system.
E.      the oceans cause a number of for humanity.

4. According to the author which of the following may we infer affected by the ocean?
A.      paintings
B.      tourism
C.     hurricanes
D.     hunger
E.      all of these
Horizontal Scroll: Latihan 2

Bacalah wacana berikut dan coba gunakan keterampilan inferensi untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang mengikutinya.
The impact of the American periodical press also has been technological and social. The large, mass-circulation magazines have influenced the smaller magazines, which in many instances seek to imitate their appearance and to emulate the high quality of their printing, layout, and make up. They also have influenced magazines around the world. Europe, for example, is given to publishing magazines resembling. Life and Look, and almost no heavily industrialized country is without its imitator of Time (The Link  in India, Elseviers  in the Netherlands, Tienpo in Mexico, Der Spiegel in Germany, and L’Express in France, for example). The social effect has to do with the discharger or failure to discharge its social responsibilities. These responsibilities the magazines press share with all communication media, printed or electronic. They include the obligation, in political democracy such as the U.S.A., to provide the people with a fair presentation of facts, with honestly held opinions, and with truthful advertising. All but the subsidized periodicals hold—or seek to hold—to these goals within a certain framework: that of the business order, the private initiative, profit-making system.
—Roland E. Wolseleg in Wiener
1. Write your own words the main idea of this selection.
3. The writer believes that magazines___
A.      must take a profit at any cost.
B.      should not compete with television for advertising.
C.     should be subsidized.
D.     should imitate European model.
E.      should not accepted all forms of advertising.
2. We may infer about magazines like Life, Look, and Times that ____
A.      they are presented in European countries.
B.      they sell very well throughout the world.
C.     they are respected models for foreign magazines.
D.     they do not discharge social responsibilities.
E.      their production costs are extremely high.
4. We may infer about the author’s knowledge of the subject that___
A.      he knows very little about Asian or African periodicals
B.      he knows  a great deal about European and American magazines
C.     he knows a great deal about European magazines but not much about American magazines
D.     he worked as a magazines layout editor
E.      none of these


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